Matter is a simple, interoperable, reliable, and secure standard intended to harmonize proximal connectivity within (initially) the residential IoT.
Research Areas(0)
Enabling Device Control Planning Capabilities of Small Language Model
AuthorSudipta Paul,Lingyu Zhang,Yilin Shen,Hongxia Jin
PublishedIEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Open-air miniature fine dust sensor
AuthorVladimir Semenov, Anastasiia Suvorina, Vladislav Lychagov, Dmitrii Chernakov
PublishedIEEE Sensors Journal
Countering Acoustic Adversarial Attacks in Microphone-equipped Smart Home Devices
AuthorSourav Bhattacharya, Dionysis Manousakas, Alberto Gil C. P. Ramos, Stylianos I. Venieris, Nicholas D. Lane, Cecilia Mascolo
PublishedACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP)
Matter was first launched on October 2022, backed by major companies in the residential IoT space: including Samsung Electronics, Amazon, Apple, Google, and others.
Suppose you’re considering purchasing a Smart Home product to add to your home. As a typical consumer, you may be wondering: “Is this a legitimate device or am I compromising my family’s digital (and maybe even physical) security by doing so?” Once you take it home, you try to add the device onto your current network based on, say, SmartThings.