Samsung R&D Institute India-Delhi (SRI-Delhi) is a place which helps its employees to achieve their dreams. It believes in “If you can dream it, you can do it”. Samsung thrives to stay ahead of the curve and at SRI-D, you can experience working on various line-ups of Samsung devices with next generation technologies.
SRI-D empowers its employees to create positive change and get involved in various collaboration projects, through which the power of global network of Samsung Electronics is experienced.
SRI-D has become one of the largest overseas center of Visual Display (VD) for Global Smart TVs commercialization of Samsung Electronics, headquartered at Suwon, Korea.
SRI-D provides support for entire TV ecosystem; Platform, Middleware and Applications along with other domains like:
∙ Advance Research (Vision AI, Voice AI, Business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics)
∙ Tizen Platform development
∙ Smart TV and B2B Products & Services
∙ IoT, Connectivity & Convergence
∙ Cloud Platform, SmartHub Server development and Operation
∙ SW Quality, DTV Standardization
Samsung strongly believes in nurturing talents to lead in advanced technology for creating superior products and services, thus contributing to the evolving global society. SRI-D endeavors to excel in its philosophy through performance driven culture with its reward and recognition programs. SRI-D strives continuously to create value for the future through innovation, competence and excellence.
SRI-D cares about its employee’s career, health and also helps to achieve a right work-life balance. SRI-D organizes various events where all the employees can come together and have fun.
SRI-D is always striving to build on career related skills and make the work environment enjoyable. SRI-D has a basketball court and a recreation room where employees can play indoor games. It also has a gym for employees’ physical fitness.
Samsung’s “Do What You Can’t” is more than just a slogan. It empowers people to overcome their hurdles with courage and passion. SRI-D follows the same mantra and encourages employees to keep defying barriers, and ultimately achieving the impossible. SRI-D stops at nothing to create innovative technologies so that people can do impossible things.
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