
Uncertainty-aware Source free Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation


IEEE Transactions on Image Processing



Research Areas


Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) is becoming topical to address the challenge of distribution shift between training and deployment data, while also relaxing the requirement of source data availability during target domain adaptation. In this paper, we focus on SFDA for semantic segmentation, in which pseudo labeling based target domain self-training is a common solution. However, pseudo labels generated by the source models are particularly unreliable on the target domain data due to the domain shift issue. Therefore, we propose to use Bayesian Neural Network (BNN) to improve the target self-training by better estimating and exploiting pseudo-label uncertainty. With the uncertainty estimation of BNNs, we introduce two novel self-training based components: Uncertainty-aware Online Teacher-Student Learning (UOTSL) and Uncertainty-aware FeatureMix (UFM). Extensive experiments on two popular benchmarks, GTA 5 → Cityscapes and SYNTHIA → Cityscapes, show the superiority of our proposed method with mIoU gains of 3.6% and 5.7% over the state-of-the-art respectively