
PyRecGym: A Reinforcement Learning Gym for Recommender Systems


ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys)



Research Areas


Recommender systems (RS) share many features and objectives with reinforcement learning (RL) systems. The former aim to maximise user satisfaction by recommending the right items to the right users at the right time, the latter maximise future rewards by selecting state-changing actions in some environment. The concept of an RL gym has become increasingly important when it comes to supporting the development of RL models. A gym provides a simulation environment in which to test and develop RL agents, providing a state model, actions, rewards/penalties etc. In this paper we describe and demonstrate the PyRecGym gym, which is specifically designed for the needs of recommender systems research, by supporting standard test datasets (MovieLens, Yelp etc.), common input types (text, numeric etc.), and thereby offering researchers a reproducible research environment to accelerate experimentation and development of RL in RS.