
Pouring by Feel: An Analysis of Tactile and Proprioceptive Sensing for Accurate Pouring


IEEE/International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)



Research Areas


Humans have the ability to pour various media, both liquid and granular, to desired ends in various containers. We do this by using multiple senses simultaneously in a constant feedback loop to complete a pouring task.
Combining multiple sensing modalities, similar to humans, could aid in robotic pouring control outside of a structured or industrial setting.
We present a multi-sensory pouring dataset consisting of human pouring demonstrations of various granular media, coupled with two multi-sensory networks that estimate pouring rate and pouring average height.
For both pouring metrics, a combined input of audio and visual data provides a lower median error than either the audio network or visual network. The multisensory network achieves a median error of 6.4 mm for average height estimation and 0.06 N/s for pouring rate estimation.