Interactive Recommendation via Deep Neural Memory Augmented Reinforcement Learning
ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys)
Personalized recommendation with user interactions has become increasingly popular nowadays in many applications with dynamic change of contents (news, media, etc.). Existing approaches model user interactive recommendation as a contextual bandit problem to balance the trade-off between exploration and exploitation. However, these solutions require a large number of interactions with each user to provide high quality personalized recommendations. To mitigate this limitation, we design a novel deep neural memory augmented mechanism to model and track the history state for each user based on his previous interactions. As such, the user's preferences on new items can be quickly learned within a small number of interactions. Moreover, we develop new algorithms to leverage large amount of all users' history data for offline model training and online model fine tuning for each user with the focus of policy evaluation. Extensive experiments on different synthetic and real-world datasets validate that our proposed approach consistently outperforms a variety of state-of-the-art approaches.