
Foreground-aware Semantic Representations for Image Harmonization


IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)




Image harmonization is an important step in photo editing to achieve visual consistency in composite images by adjusting the appearances of foreground to make it compatible with background. Previous approaches to harmonize composites are based on training of encoder-decoder networks from scratch, which makes it challenging for a neural network to learn a high-level representation of objects. We propose a novel architecture to utilize the space of high-level features learned by a pre-trained classification network. We create our models as a combination of existing encoder-decoder architectures and a pre-trained foreground-aware deep high-resolution network. We extensively evaluate the proposed method on existing image harmonization benchmark and set up a new state-of-the-art in terms of MSE and PSNR metrics. The code and trained models are available at \url{this https URL}.