
Accelerating Depthwise Convolution and Pooling Operations on z-First Storage CNN Architectures


IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)



Research Areas


Majority of the present day applications in computer vision use Convolutional neural networks (CNN) as the preferred engine of computation. For hardware acceleration of CNNs, z-first storage architectures like NVDLA have gained prominence which show better resource utilization and effective throughput for 3-D convolution operation. However, these architectures have low effective throughput for 2-D operations such as Depthwise Convolution (DWC) and Pooling due to poor resource utilization. The current trend in CNNs show that DWC has gained prominence in compact mobile-first CNNs like MnasNet, EfficientNet etc., which have classification accuracies comparable to state-of-the-art complex CNNs. In this work, an accelerator for accelerating 2-D operations based on z-first storage architectures is proposed. Proposed accelerator delivers power efficiency improvement of at least 1.46× and 1.89× for DWC and Pooling respectively over the baseline architecture, while improving effective throughput by 4×. Proposed IFM reuse scheme also reduces IFM reads from memory at least by a factor of 1.72×.