On January 6, Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Jay Y. Lee visited the Samsung Research building in Umyeon-dong, Seoul, to chair the presidential meeting in the company’s SET division and inspect the company’s plans regarding next-generation 6G communications technology and artificial intelligence (AI) R&D.
During the meeting, Vice Chairman Lee monitored reports on ▲the current status of next-generation communications R&D, ▲server technology acquisition, and ▲the current status of AI technology application in the company’s products.
Along with him were CE Division Head Hyunsuk Kim, IM Division Head Dongjin Koh, Management Support Department Head Yunho Choi, and SR Research Center Head Sebastian Seung, as well as division presidents.
Regarding the company’s future, Vice Chairman Lee commented, “The acquisition of future technology is a matter of survival for us. Let us read the changes, seize the future, and focus only on elevating the company’s value and contributing to society. As an industry leader, we must have a sense of responsibility that is tenfold—hundredfold of others.”
Vice Chairman Lee started the new year by inspecting the company’s system semiconductor business. Along with the presidential meeting in Samsung Research, this endeavor symbolizes his will to prepare the company for the post-COVID-19 era by ensuring growth drivers in the future.
He also commented that “the company has a responsibility to develop new businesses, expand our portfolio, and grow,” emphasizing the sense of mission in ensuring the growth of the company and industry ecosystem as a whole.
Core technologies required for Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, such as AI, 5G, and automotive semiconductors, were highlighted in the company’s plans in 2018, with Vice Chairman Lee pushing forward with a sizable dedication of the company’s R&D power
Samsung Research is tasked with leading the company’s advanced research efforts and includes ▲Global AI Centers, ▲the Advanced Communications Research Center, and a ▲software innovation center.
▲In the AI field, it currently engages with potential AI technology applications in smartphones, TV, and other household appliances. ▲Meanwhile, the company’s next-generation communication wing currently immerses in core technologies for 6G technology.
Earlier on the 5th, the Vice Chairman also visited the company’s Suwon site and examined network equipment production lines, followed by the Global Technology Center (GTC), to chair a meeting on production technology innovations.
▲ Vice Chairman Jay Y. Lee inspects Samsung Research along with the company’s SET division presidents (from the left: Jonghee Han, President of Visual Display Business; Seungbeom Choi, Head of the SR R&D Strategy Team; Yunho Choi, Head of Management Support Department; Dongjin Koh, Head of IM Division; Sungchul Kang, Head of SR Robot Center; Jay Y. Lee, Vice Chairman of Samsung Electronics; Sebastian Seung, SR Director; and Hyunsuk Kim, Head of CE Division).
▲ Vice Chairman Jay Y. Lee visits Samsung Global Technology Center (※ Tuesday, January 5).
▲ Vice Chairman Jay Y. Lee inspects network equipment production lines (※ Tuesday, January 5).