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Samsung Electronics Participates in RISE, an Open Source Project for Enabling Software Ecosystem of RISC-V

on June 02, 2023

Samsung Electronics has announced its participation in an Open Source development project, aimed at building and breeding a software (SW) ecosystem for a cutting edge semiconductor technology.

Samsung Electronics is now the official member for the Open Source SW development project called “RISE (RISC-V Software Ecosystem),” hosted by the Linux Foundation, an Open Source non-profit organization.

RISE is the project to develop the Open Source SWs of which run on top of “RISC-V,” the semiconductor architecture that has been developed as an open standard. Along with Samsung Electronics, global IT and semiconductor companies, such as Google, Intel, Nvidia, and Qualcomm, are the members in the RISE project.

It is expected that the SWs from the RISE project will be widely adopted to various entities powered by the RISC-V chipsets, such as mobile, consumer electronics, data center, and automotive, by easing implementation of applications and services and saving investment on resources of the SW maintenance.

“In order for RISC-V to be commercialized, it is important to secure software that has performance, security, reliability, and compatibility,” emphasized Amber Huffman, chairperson of the RISE project and a principal engineer at Google. “We will expand the ‘RISC-V ecosystem’ by securing it.”

“We will participate in the RISE project and collaborate with other companies to build a sustainable RISC-V-based open source software ecosystem,” said Soohong Daniel Park, head of the Open Source Group at Samsung Electronics and board representative at Linux Foundation.

The RISE Board of Directors comprises 13 member companies, including Samsung Electronics, Google, Intel, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Red Hat, Mediatek, Andes, Imagination, Rivos, SiFive, Ventana, and T-Head.