Samsung Electronics Obtains IEC 61508 and ISO 13849 Certification for 'Safety Software Framework for Mobile Robots'

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. today announced that its own “Safety Software Framework for Mobile Robots” has simultaneously obtained two international standard certifications: IEC 61508 and ISO 13849 from Det Norske Veritas (DNV), one of the world’s leading independent certification bodies.

IEC 61508 is an international standard for ensuring the functional safety of safety-related systems, including guidelines for maintaining safety across design, development, verification and maintenance processes according to the Safety Integrity Level (SIL).

ISO 13849 is an international standard defining safety requirements for machinery components, assessing the reliability of safety-related parts of control systems by evaluating required Performance Levels (PLs).

Created to keep pace with the rapid integration of AI and robotics technologies, Samsung Electronics’ Safety Software Framework, developed in line with the accelerating convergence of AI and robotics. It performs 10 crucial safety functions of mobile robots, such as emergency/protective stop, collision detection and maximum speed limit. This technology significantly minimizes the risk of failure or malfunction in mobile robots, resulting in obtaining “SIL 2” and “PL d” levels, which are safety integrity level in accordance with international functional safety standards.

SIL (Safety Integrity Level) is a measure of the risk reduction of a safety system. It ranges from level 1 to 4 with lower numbers indicating lower risk levels.
PL (Performance Level) is a value used to define the ability of safety-related control systems to perform a safety function under foreseeable conditions. It has five levels ranging from PL a to e, where PL e represents the highest level of safety.

This certification indicates that Samsung has ensured exceptional standards of safety technology, which are crucial for ensuring the safety of robotic products and services.

While traditional robots require separate hardware controllers for safety functions, this software framework integrates robot control and safety functions while enhancing the robot’s capability to diagnose and avoid failures. The framework is expected to be widely applied across various mobile robots in manufacturing, service industries and households — maximizing efficiency and greatly improving the safety of robot operation.

“Achievement of the DNV Functional Safety Certification demonstrates the power of industry collaboration and the crucial role that rigorous safety standards play in driving technological innovation,” said Patrizia Campi, Global Head of Product Assurance at DNV. “We are proud to support Samsung in pushing the boundaries of safe robotics technology.”

“In an era where digital safety is paramount to both consumers and enterprises, achieving these international certifications reinforces the strong foundation of Samsung Electronics’ robotics business,” said Koeun Choi, Head of the Robot Platform Team at Samsung Research. “The certification also validates our platform-level safety and reliability, which are key factors in our further expansion into the intelligent robotics sector. This achievement will also contribute to the development and spread of robotics technology.”