Samsung Electronics Hosts 8th Samsung Security Tech Forum

On September 10th, Samsung Electronics held the 8th Samsung Security Tech Forum (SSTF) at the Samsung Electronics Seoul R&D Campus.

The SSTF is a forum that brings together academia and industry professionals to share the latest technologies and trends in the field of security technology. This year’s forum, marking its eighth iteration, was held under the theme “Security with GenAI: Safeguarding the Future with Generative Intelligence.”

“AI will not only make our lives easier but also bring innovative changes to the security field,” said Paul Kyungwhoon Cheun, Chief Technology Officer at Samsung Electronics and Head of Samsung Research. “Samsung Electronics aims to make the future safer by integrating AI with security technologies.”

In his keynote address, Taesoo Kim, Corporate Vice President at Samsung Research, shared his views on “Challenges and Opportunities in Security in the GenAI Era.” He also presented the development process and achievements of the cyber reasoning system that was recently presented at the AI Cyber Challenge (AIxCC), an AI-based cybersecurity competition organized by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a research and development institute of the United States Department of Defense.

The forum continued with invited talks from prominent scholars in the field of security technology, including Professor Brendan Dolan-Gavitt from the Computer Science and Engineering Department at New York University (NYU), Professor Insu Yun from the School of Electrical Engineering at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and Professor Sangdon Park from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH).

Professor Brendan Dolan-Gavitt discussed how AI is effective in detecting vulnerabilities but introduces new risk factors, while Professor Insu Yun explained how AI will change the future of cybersecurity and how hacking awareness and preparedness are essential for a safer world. Finally, Professor Sangdon Park shared lessons learned from efforts to build trustworthy AI systems.

This year’s technical sessions invited authors of papers presented at major global conferences in the security field to introduce their research. In addition, Samsung Research’s research activities in the security field, such as the detection of Artificial Inflation of Traffic (AIT) in SMS and technologies for protecting sensitive data, were introduced.

Lastly, a panel discussion with researchers who participated in AIxCC was conducted, receiving great responses from attendees.

In addition, the Security Experience Zone, which has been popular with participants every year, was prepared under the name of "AI Security Challenge" this year. This time, attendees were able to experience security technology that utilizes generative AI. They participated in various interactive security programs, such as finding vulnerabilities in software or attempting to hack themselves by using generative AI tools.

Since 2017, Samsung Electronics has been holding the SSTF annually to expand the scope of information security technology and foster talent in the field.