Exploring the Wild Side ​

Home for Masterminds, Playground for the Ambitious

There is an unspoken belief in Samsung R&D Bangalore (SRI-B) about fellow colleagues: there is always ‘more than meets the eye’. At this R&D center, home to modern-day Einsteins and Newtons, it is seldom surprising to also find a budding Florence Nightingale, Shakespeare, Usain Bolt or a Masterchef hidden inside them. As a workplace that encourages people to chase after their dreams, SRI-B provides several avenues for individuals to explore other passions, with various interest groups and clubs that you can be a part of, including Sports Club, Toastmasters Club, Working Moms ERG, Running Club, Chess Club, and many more. While many have developed a new passion through these clubs, there are some who used the opportunity to connect with like-minded people and explore wider horizons, including Arvind Ramamurthy from Beyond 5G Team.

When Arvind first joined SRI-B more than eight years ago, he did it out of his desire to pursue a career in Communications domain. Little was it known that he was also a passionate wildlife photographer who never missed the chance to explore the wild whenever he could. It was when he was introduced to the Photography Club that his avid love for wildlife and his exceptional skills in photography became known among colleagues. Since then, he has received several opportunities to share his work and expertise with fellow colleagues, as well as the global Samsung family.

Having grown up watching National Geographic and BBC, Arvind started exploring photography about a decade ago using his mobile camera. Eventually, it grew into a passion, leading him on several photography expeditions across the country, which continues to this day. He has travelled to all tiger reserves in Karnataka, frequents the rainforests in the Western Ghats, where he particularly likes Agumbe Reserve Forest – known to be home to a variety of snakes, parts of Central India, Rajasthan and as far as Kaziranga National Park in Assam, which he describes as a ‘fantastic place to find rhinos’.

He is also the recipient of Sanctuary Asia Award, and was a finalist in 2017 National Geographic ‘Travel Photographer of the Year’. His work has also been featured in Newspapers, Sanctuary Asia magazine, multiple books, NatureInFocus, CWS (Centre of Wildlife Studies), Karnataka Tourism Department, Incredible India magazine and National Geographic.

“Wildlife is unpredictable; each trip is unique, every experience is fun”, he said with great thrill in his voice. On some days, Arvind would finish work early and make overnight trips to jungles within the State, sleep in his car and capture rare photographs in early dawn before making it back to work. Whether out on a new adventure or enjoying a regular walk in the park, he never misses a good shot, crediting his Samsung phone as the go-to device for capturing spontaneous moments. Talking about how he manages between work and such trips, he shared that the support from his team members and the flexible work hours at SRI-B have enabled him to strike a good balance and make time for his interests outside of work.

The Photography club would also have small outings to national parks and bird sanctuaries in the vicinity, where they would spend the day taking photographs and sharing ideas with each other, which helped him expand his creativity. Through the club, Arvind has also been invited to give talks to different teams and internal events.

‘I love the fact that I get to work on challenging and evolving technology, and the growth is great’, he shared while talking about how he enjoys his work at SRI-B. As a key innovation Hub, working on cutting-edge technology is part of the everyday, making each project unique and every experiment a step forward in the journey towards a smarter future.

If you share similar interests and are looking to work at a place where there is room for growth, life and other passions, please visit:
