C-Lab at CES 2020. Small Ideas, Big Innovations. January 7-10 / Sands, Hall G, Eureka Park #51248-#51259. We proudly introduce 5 C-Lab projects and 12 Startups at CES 2020! C-Lab Inside, C-Lab Outside, C-Lab Spin-offs, CES Innovation Awards Winners. C-Lab Outside. As part of startup ecosystem stimulation and job creation in South Korea, Samsung expanded its C-Lab Inside program and newly created C-Lab Outside in 2018. C-Lab Outside is a startup acceleration program to encourage competent prospective entrepreneurs outside Samsung Electronics. C-Lab Outside program helps startups to grow their business through financial aid, mentoring, consultation, business cooperation, and providing infrastructure. Meet four startups of C-Lab Outside at CES 2020! Circulus. Sands, Hall G, Eureka Park #51259. AIways with you. pibo is a companion robot for one person, having simple conversations and understanding and acting on user's emotions through dialogue and face recognition. Conversation. Can talk with you based on your preference. Also get information like weather and news. Share the life. Take a pictures anytime, anywhere. Also recording the your daily life with pibo. Entertainment. Enjoy it! Play bright music with cute dance. Also pibo wish to be storyteller for you. pibo.circul.us/circulus@circul.us FITT. Sands, Hall G, Eureka Park #51258. 'Personalized Healthcare Platform, FITT'  FITT guides you through a series of easy cardio, strength and posture tests that will give you access to professional-level data about your own body. After the tests, your data is analyzed and you will be provided with four 1-page reports that detail multiple factors concerning your physical condition, including your risk of contracting a variety of diseases. Also included is a tailor-made fitness program just for you. Easy Exercise Tests. Body Fitness Level Analysis. Personalized Exercise Program. Possible Disease Prediction. www.fitt.kr/fitt@fitt.kr VTOUCH. Sands, Hall G, Eureka Park #51257. 'Touchless Touch, Vtouch' The most natural way to control devices from a distance. Our cutting-edge machine-learning technology calculates where you are exactly pointing at by tracking your eyes and fingertips with real-time 3d mapping. It's a touch interface that works without physical touch. Touchless touch for everyone. - No need to touch, just pointing at Hygienic input interface - Apply where you need to keep clean. Cover everything with one system. - It can cover multiple displays and objects. www.vtouch.io/contact@vtouch.io SMOOTHY. Sands, Hall G, Eureka Park #51255. 'PLAY THE CHAT' Smoothy aims to people to communicate with friends using video chat anytime and anywhere. The unique text+video chat UX allows people to enjoy video chat without caring about their surroundings. Samsung AR Emojis (avatars) and live reaction effects make the mobile conversation more fun than real-world chatting. Galaxy AR Emoji. Live Reaction Effects. Live Texting on Video Chat. Video/MEME Messanger. Smooth.co/hello@smoothy.co
C-Lab Inside C-Lab Outside C-Lab Spin-offs CES Innovation Awards Winners